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Everything You Need to Know About Kratom



You Need to Know About Kratom

Kratom is praised as an alternative medicine that helps with several side effects such as anxiety, muscle pain, chronic pain, diabetes management, and more. Its abundance of beneficial effects outweigh the negative ones; however, before starting to use it, you need to learn You Need to Know About Kratom.

What is Kratom?

Mitragyna Speciosa, or kratom, is a tree from the Rubiaceae family. It was first discovered by the Dutch botanist Pieter Korthals. The tree can grow up to 30 feet tall and 15 feet white. Its leaves are also big and can grow up to 4 inches wide and 7 inches long.

Kratom leaves are abundant in alkaloids of which mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are the most notable ones. These alkaloids give kratom opioid-like effects which is why the plant is often used as a natural stimulant and relaxant.

Uses of Kratom

Kratom can help with a multitude of things. Below, we’re looking at the most common ones.

Withdrawal Symptoms Relief

Kratom plants have opioid-like effects and people suffering from drug addiction are often using kratom as an opiate alternative. The kratom plant minimizes and keeps the withdrawal symptoms in control.

Pain Relief

Kratom has anti-inflammatory effects and is known for effectively treating multiple types of pain. People suffering from chronic diseases typically use kratom to relieve their symptoms and get by without using prescription medications.

Energy Boost

The mitragynine contained in kratom is a mind-altering alkaloid with energy-boosting effects. To achieve the energy boost you will need a moderate dose of kratom. Also, keep in mind that the lighter kratom strains have higher energy-boosting potential. Furthermore, kratom leaves boost blood circulation which entices the transportation of oxygen to the body cells which, in turn, helps the body process the food faster and produce more energy.

Diabetes Prevention and Management

Kratom balances the levels of glucose and insulin, preventing the peaks and drops in the blood. This can help prevent diabetes. However, kratom is useful for people that are already dealing with diabetes, helping them manage the condition.

Mood Elevation

The alkaloids in kratom have cognition improvement function. Additionally, the kratom leaves produce opioid-like effects which give optimistic feelings and positive attitudes. Kratom also relieves unpleasant sensations like anxiety and pain.

Better Focus

The kratom leaves contain acetylcholine which is a powerful neurotransmitter. It works to regulate the endocrine system and increase the degree to which cortical circuits respond to sensory stimuli. This positively influences the focus and improves the memory.

What Types of Kratom Strains Are There?

When exploring what kratom to buy, you might notice there are three primary types: red, white, and green kratom. The names come from the different colors of the leaves’ veins. The color specifies the level of alkaloid concentration.

White Vein Kratom

Best for people looking to improve their concentration and focus, white kratom gives the needed motivation and stamina. Additionally, it relieves the gloomy feelings, inciting more positive sensations and general stimulation.  The White Maeng Da kratom is considered to be the most popular white vein kratom type. It’s traditionally grown in Thailand and is curated to be of the highest quality and remarkably potent.

Red Vein Kratom

Red vein kratom has more depressant or sedative effects. People who struggle with insomnia often use red vein kratom. Additionally, this kratom type can be used for relieving milder pains and aches. Red Bali kratom is one of the most popular red vein kratom types. It’s versatile and a fan-favorite of first-time kratom users.

Green Vein Kratom

Green vein kratom offers the perfect balance between white and red kratom. It has relaxing properties but gives a more subtle effect. Additionally, the green vein kratom contains energizing components but not as strong as the white vein kratom.

Green Malay kratom is one of the most popular choices of experienced kratom consumers. It’s a premium kratom strain that comes from the Malaysian forests. Green Maeng Da is another popular type of green veins. It’s considered to be the strongest among them and has a wide spectrum of benefits including pain relief, anxiety relief, and relaxation.

What Are the Best Kratom Strains to Mix?

If you are an experienced kratom consumer, you might consider mixing different kratom strains to create a custom blend that will meet your specific needs.

Red and Green Kratom Mix

A red and green kratom blend will give you a feeling of relaxation without experiencing drowsiness. The green kratom will perfectly balance the effects of red kratom, making you feel relaxed but not sleepy.

Red and White Kratom Mix

A combination of red and white is the perfect balance of relaxation and energy. You will feel more motivated and more energized but also calm and relaxed.

White and Green Kratom Mix

Mixing white and green kratom will help you feel more energized but not overly. Additionally, the green kratom will incite positive feelings and an overall mood-boost.

What Are Kratom Side Effects?

There are several side effects that can happen. When intaking kratom in high doses you can experience euphoric feelings that can influence your ability to make decisions. Additionally, sweating, dry mouth, constricted pupils, constipation, itching, and dizziness are also associated with high doses of kratom.

On the other hand, long-term kratom use might produce more serious side effects like cardiotoxicity, vomiting, and seizures, as well as kidney- and liver damage. Chronic use of kratom might lead to hyperpigmentation, anorexia, and even psychosis.

Accidental Kratom Overdose

People with higher tolerance of drugs might need a higher kratom dose to achieve the desired feeling. This might lead to an accidental overdose. The symptoms might include nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, confusion, and chills.

What is Kratom Withdrawal?

You might experience kratom withdrawal when ceasing to use kratom after a prolonged time. Typical withdrawal symptoms are sleep disorders, weight loss, tension, agitation, heat attacks, and muscle cramps. These symptoms might appear up to 12 hours of the last use and last approximately 5 to 7 days.

How Does Kratom Show on a Drug Test?

Standard drug tests don’t detect the alkaloids in kratom. It’s required a specific kratom drug test to detect the presence of the supplement.

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

While a standard drug test won’t detect the presence of kratom in your system, blood or urine tests will. Kratom can be detected for up to 9 days after use in the urine. As far as blood tests go, kratom can be detected for 2-3 days after use.

How Is Kratom Consumed?

Traditionally, in native regions, kratom leaves were chewed fresh or dried. Local even opted to smoke the leaves. Nowadays, kratom is available in form of capsules and powder which gives plenty of options for consumption.

Kratom Capsules

Kratom capsules contain high alkaloid concentrations and deliver powerful effects. They are also the most convenient way to take kratom — you just need to swallow the pill with water and that’s it. One potential downside of using kratom pills is its delayed effects because the body will need to break down the capsules. It might take up to 45 minutes to feel the effects.

Toss and Wash

Another popular method of intaking kratom is toss and wash. To do so, you need to toss the desired kratom powder dose and wash it down with liquid, preferably water. This way, the powder is quickly absorbed in the body which means the effects will be almost immediate. However, when intaking raw powder, feeling kratom’s earthy flavor is inevitable so if you find it off putting, keep reading to find

out alternative ways of intaking kratom.

Kratom Tea

Kratom tea can be made from crushed leaves but the most common option is to use kratom powder. To prepare a kratom tea, you need to brew the kratom powder with hot water for about 20-30 minutes, let it sit for a bit, and then strain the liquid. You can add milk, lemon juice, mint leaves, molasses, honey, or sugar to make the taste more pleasant. Keep in mind that the boiling water will compromise the chemical compound and weaken the kratom effects.

Kratom Extracts

Kratom extracts produce stronger effects and are mostly used to relieve strong pain. Extracts can have different forms and you can choose one depending on your preferred potency level and extraction method.

Kratom Resin

The resin is a highly concentrated form of kratom. It can be taken orally or mixed with any hot beverage.

To prepare kratom resin you need to mix kratom powder with water and lemon juice. Stir the mixture until combined and leave it to sit overnight in the freezer. Next, you need to add the frozen kratom mixture to boiling water and then reduce the heat and bring it to a simmer. Once the mixture cools down, strain it, and then let half of the liquid evaporate.

When you have a small amount of liquid, put the mixture into the saucepan and add more water and lemon juice. Once that liquid evaporates put the content from the an into an oven dish and place it in the oven until the liquid evaporates. The final result should be thick kratom resin.

Water-Based Kratom Extract

Preparing water-based kratom extract is way simpler than preparing resin. The process involves dissolving kratom leaves with water. Mix them together and let the mixture sit for about 1-2 weeks in a dark, cold place before straining the liquid. You might need to apply heat to help the process of liquid evaporation. Before starting to use the extracted test whether its pH is 4.

Kratom Tincture

Preparing tincture is similar to preparing water-based extract. You’ll need kratom powder, ethyl alcohol, and citric acid. Mix the powder and alcohol and then add the citric acid until you achieve pH 4. Seal the jar and store it in a dark place for about 1-2 weeks. Then, shake the jar, strain the liquid, and let it evaporate. Kratom tincture can be used in several ways. First of all, you can place it under the tongue for about 60 seconds and swallow the rest. Additionally, you can add it to food and drink, or simply swallow it orally.

Liquid Kratom Shots

Drinking kratom shots is one of the newest methods of intaking kratom. Essentially, the shots are a mixture of kratom with single-shot drinks. This method enables you to ingest kratom quickly, without feeling kratom’s flavor. Also, the shots are highly potent. To prepare kratom shots at home you need to make a mixture of kratom powder and fresh lemon or orange juice. You can add honey, black pepper, or ginger, and then blend everything.

How to Dose Kratom?

Kratom dosage depends on the individual’s tolerance and preferences. You should start small and let your body adjust to it. If you’re a new kratom user, make sure to never take kratom on an empty stomach to avoid gastrointestinal issues.

If taking kratom powder, 1-5 grams is considered a small to moderate dose. A dose of 5-15 grams is considered high and there’s a higher risk of side effects. You can always opt for kratom capsules that contain a pre-measured amount of kratom so you don’t have to bother to measure the powder.

How to Keep Kratom Fresh?

The potency of alkaloids breaks down and weekend overtime. Besides its potency, kratom will also lose its scent, flavor, and color. Considering all this, you should know a few tips and tricks about how to improve the shelf life of your kratom.

Kratom powder remains fresh for about 1-2 months. After that, its flavor and potency will start to diminish. To enhance its freshness you should keep the powder completely dry. If the kratom powder is exposed to moisture, its shelf life is drastically reduced. Plus, moisture can cause the appearance of mold, which could affect your health.

Another way to prolong the life of your kratom powder is to keep it in an airtight container. If it is exposed to oxygen for a prolonged time, kratom will oxidate, causing noticeable potency change. Last but not the least, keep your kratom powder away from sunlight to prevent damage to organic matter.

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